Some Facts About Siphonic Roof Drainage Systems

For homes constructed in rain-intensive zones in Asia, and even in other areas which receive significant rainfall in the year, a key consideration is the installation of a roof drainage system which can collect the rainwater and storm water accumulated on the roof and drain it to a tank from which it can be used as required. The installation of a roof drainage system is important for several reasons, not the least of which is to prevent seepage and damage to the external structure of the house, which in the long term can also impact its life. Thankfully, now there are some excellent solutions to minimize the water damage to houses from rainwater accumulation and these are in the form of siphonic roof drainage systems. Let us take a brief look at the siphonic roof drainage systems:

1.The first time siphonic roof drain systems were first used was in the 1960s, developed in Finland. While they became popular for large buildings in Europe thereafter, they began to find commercial usage only around the 1990s in the United States. 

2.The siphonic drainage system is extremely efficient and saves precious space on the rooftop, especially for those buildings where the aesthetics of the rooftop are equally important. The siphonic drainage system does not use too many pipes and instead sucks the water from the roof through a combination of gutters and pipes.

3.In a siphonic roof drainage system, the size of the downpipes and connectors is much smaller in length as compared to the gutter gravity-based drainage systems, which brings the dual benefits of reduced installation costs and also reduced load on the structure. 

4.The collector pipe of the siphonic roof drainage system is laid down completely horizontally and without any pitch, which enables the pipeline to be seamlessly installed also linked to other systems in the area if the need arises. 

5.The design of the siphonic drainage is such that there is no dependence on gravity and consequently, there are no air blockages in the pipe. Hence, the system allows for maximum drainage by optimizing the downflow of the water accumulated on the rooftop. 

For the most efficient solutions for siphonic roof drainage, explore the solutions from Wavin, one of the leading global manufacturers of sustainable systems for water supply and management.


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