
Some Facts About Siphonic Roof Drainage Systems

For homes constructed in rain-intensive zones in Asia, and even in other areas which receive significant rainfall in the year, a key consideration is the installation of a roof drainage system which can collect the rainwater and storm water accumulated on the roof and drain it to a tank from which it can be used as required. The installation of a roof drainage system is important for several reasons, not the least of which is to prevent seepage and damage to the external structure of the house, which in the long term can also impact its life. Thankfully, now there are some excellent solutions to minimize the water damage to houses from rainwater accumulation and these are in the form of siphonic roof drainage systems. Let us take a brief look at the siphonic roof drainage systems:

Maintenance Tips for Siphonic Drainage Systems

For large and complex roof structures, ensuring proper water drainage can be a complex process. Gutters and downpipes are by themselves inadequate for flat-roofed high rise buildings and this poses a risk of allowing the rainwater to accumulate on the roof and eventually become either a breeding ground for microbes and slime, causing health and sanitation issues, or seep into the building, damaging its structural integrity. In such cases, installation of siphonic roof drainage systems is an ideal solution for water management. These systems are much more efficient when it comes to draining out the water from large and complex flat roof structures, as they drain the water out through a suction action. Post installation however, some maintenance of the system must be done in order to ensure that the system keeps working smoothly. Take a read at these maintenance tips for siphonic systems:

How Siphonic Roof Drainage Prevents Risk of Flood

In many parts of Asia, incessant and heavy rains during much of the year pose a risk of flooding, in turn putting lives and property at risk. To mitigate the damage posed by flooding, it is extremely important that buildings are equipped with the proper drainage systems that enable the seamless flow of rainwater from the buildings to the main sewerage systems. The traditional roof drainage system with gutters has now made way for the siphonic roof drainage system which is known for providing a much more efficient system for drainage from the rooftops, whatever the design plan may be.

Three Advantages of Installing Siphonic Drainage System for The Rooftop

In areas where there is significant rainfall during part of the year, the installation of a roof drainage system is instrumental in enabling the flow of accumulated water from the roof and preventing structural damage. Conventionally, roof drainage systems are designed in a manner that there is a slope which takes the water to the lowest level, where a downpipe is positioned. However, traditional roof drainage systems have a fundamental problem in that they are dependent on gravity carry air along with water. It is here that siphonic roof drainage systems come into the picture, allowing for higher efficiency even in flat-roofed buildings. Let us look at the three top advantages of siphonic roof drainage systems: