
Showing posts from May, 2022

Maintenance Tips for Siphonic Drainage Systems

For large and complex roof structures, ensuring proper water drainage can be a complex process. Gutters and downpipes are by themselves inadequate for flat-roofed high rise buildings and this poses a risk of allowing the rainwater to accumulate on the roof and eventually become either a breeding ground for microbes and slime, causing health and sanitation issues, or seep into the building, damaging its structural integrity. In such cases, installation of siphonic roof drainage systems is an ideal solution for water management. These systems are much more efficient when it comes to draining out the water from large and complex flat roof structures, as they drain the water out through a suction action. Post installation however, some maintenance of the system must be done in order to ensure that the system keeps working smoothly. Take a read at these maintenance tips for siphonic systems: